Welcome To Great Impact Ministries, Inc.

Traditional denominational and non-denominational churches exist as organizations. However, integral part of their work is organic where they are mandated to take the gospel messages of God’s grace in Christ to the market place, people group and culture, with the purpose of bringing the redemptive grace to bear and transforming them. They of necessity contextualize the gospel which is centered in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ to bring about the spiritual, economical, political and social transformation of the culture where it is preached, thus redeeming  the total man into the glorious form that God intended the creation. This is the mission of God for which the universal Church is given a mandate. Though the gospel truth (i.e. God’s redemptive story) is intrinsically the same, there are flexibility in the context in which it is preached and methods of delivery. Alone and in partnership with churches, we engaging in Church Planting and Evangelistic work, Leadership training, Teaching Seminars & Conferences, Medical Missions, Relief & Aid programs, Educational Supports for Bible Colleges and Seminaries. The Kingdom of God has all kinds of workers.

This website will give you an overview of GREAT IMPACT MINISTRIES (GIM). While this missionary organization is Reformed in theological perspective, it partners with all non-reformed denominations and welcomes support from all who cares for the creation of our God. We are evangelical and thus support evangelical missionaries who need a trustworthy and transparent home support office. Our missionaries come come from all types of racial, national, economic, and political backgrounds. The heart of the GIM is to serve missionaries who are on the “frontlines,” raise awareness with the local churches for their work overseas, and as such provide them with a dependable and a mobilizing support services. Currently, this include but not limited to monthly mailings, support development, tracking pledges, welfare maintenance, funds transmission, and donor relations. Again, we work in partnership with local churches and other missionary agencies both in the USA and abroad.

In summary, GIM exist to collaborate with the Triune God in His missional mandate to bring the redemptive work of Christ to bear on the broken world, bringing about the wholesome healing of the nations through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As you view the various sections of this website, pay attention as you will have a firm understanding of the need for the the gospel truth, the need to contextualize it and the reason to embrace the grace that accompany the gospel truth even for this broken world.

We hope you enjoy your exploration!